My honours project is officially underway, and I guess my social life on hold for the next little while! I'm still developing two strong character designs and high detailed sculpts in zBrush, and I plan to get started on the characters as soon as I can; I'd really like to get more research done for my dissertation first. I was talking to Gregor and he said that throughout researching I should just plug in any relevant quotes or material so that I can compile it at a later date and don't have to go looking for it again. This slowly turned into me actually typing parts of my dissertation, from case studies to analysis and back and forth. However getting a head start on this is as good as anything really. I know it'll just overwhelm me if i leave it way too late.
I should be looking into finding out how I want to display my models, and as such i've done a bit of looking. The character artists from the Sony game Uncharted 2 presented their sculpts beautifully, decamating the mesh (which basically means reducing the poly count drastically whilst still preserving detail) and taking it into maya or max so they can render it with mental ray. The results are breathtaking.
In any case, i'll keep on writing and designing. Another update to come soon!